• The fly-by-fiber is a tear-resistant fiber optic coil that unwinds in flight and guarantees a non-interfering connection to the drone. Suitable for missions in highly jammed areas, the system can be used to operate mostly unnoticed by the electrical warfare sensors, as no radio signals are emitted.      

    With it, you can fly undetected up to 20km in flight distance.

    Fly-By-Fibre in a nutshell:

    • Jam-proof UAV system

    • Fly undetected (since no radio signal gets emitted)

    • The operator can communicate with other task forces without the fear of the communication being intercepted.

  • The HCX's design comes from our desire to have a highly adaptable and modular UAV drone. Attachments can easily be added and removed due to our Picatinny design frame and easy Picatinny adapters.

    The open platform system enables the user to customize the drone configuration to suit their mission needs, by altering the task sepcific hardware (batteries, payloads, data links):

    • Long range / short range missions

    • One-way / two-way missions.

    • Normal / jammed environment

    • Recon mission / Transport Mission

  • You even have the option to fly with 1 or 2 batteries:

    • 1.2kg (Argus 30), 1 battery + 20km Glass Fibre Spool Cable (1.8kg) - Flight time 25 Minutes.

    • 1.2kg (Argus 30), 2 batteries + 20km Glass Fibre Spool Cable (1.8kg) - Flight time 38 Minutes.

    • The HCX can carry a max payload of 4kg and our design payload (Argus 10) with 10x Optical Zoom only weighs roughly 600 grams. Our Thermal Gimbal, the Argus 10T, weighs roughly 800 grams.

    • The flight range for our HCX is betwenn 10 & 15km with data links or 20km with Glass Fibre Spool.

Made In Germany